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Greta and Garbo are beautiful silver siblings. They started life as outdoor community cats and were part of a TNR effort...but because they were young enough to learn about the joys of indoor cat-hood, they joined the BCR crew! Greta is the thinker in the family, and she's way more nervous about new things than her brother. She follows his lead a lot, and he provides a real steadying influence on her. They wrestle and play and snuggle up with each other...the perfect pair! Garbo is the happy-go-lucky boy in the family. He loves to play with feather wants or the toy on the string. He's far more self assured than his sister and cheerfully goes exploring. He doesn't mind dogs, but Greta certainly does! Both of them get along well with other cats and respectful humans. If you want a fun and fabulous pair of kittens to liven up your life, adopt Greta and Garbo today! Estimated Birthday: September 27, 2023